If you are unable to ship the goods to us in Florida, do a collection drive for funds instead.
The response to our plight has been incredible.
The generosity and benevolence of individuals from all over the world, particularly in the United States of America, is heart-warming. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Many outside of Florida have asked how they can donate goods from far away.
If you are collecting goods, you will have to be able to drop them off to our Florida location.
Many companies, like the generous Fila North America Corporation, have arranged to have trailers of the goods they are donating shipped at their expense to our Florida location.
If you are unable to deliver donated goods to the Florida location, do a collection drive for funds instead, allowing us to buy the specific products Bahamians need in Florida.
This saves tremendously on shipping costs and allows us to purchase the precise goods that people need.
We recommend sending your members to the below link where they can make a tax-deductible donation and post a message mentioning your organization.
Donate via Go Fund Me (U.S. Tax deductible)
Thank you again! — Mark